Kit de Confidentialité avec votre Logo
Qu'est-ce que le Kit de Confidentialité ?
Les éléments du Kit de Confidentialité
Demandez un devis et recevez un échantillon gratuit
Price overview
100 | € 22.95 |
250 | € 13.95 |
500 | € 9.85 |
1,000 | € 7.75 |
2,500 | € 6.85 |
5,000 | € 6.35 |
10,000 | € 5.95 |
>10,000 | sur demande |
Aperçu des prix
100 | 22,95 € |
250 | 13,95 € |
500 | 9,85 € |
1 000 | 7,75 € |
2 500 | 6,85 € |
5 000 | 6,35 € |
10 000 | 5,95 € |
> 10 000 | Sur devis |
100 | € 22.95 |
250 | € 13.95 |
500 | € 9.85 |
1,000 | € 7.75 |
2,500 | € 6.85 |
5,000 | € 6.35 |
10,000 | € 5.95 |
>10,000 | sur demande |
Aperçu des prix
100 | 22,95 € |
250 | 13,95 € |
500 | 9,85 € |
1 000 | 7,75 € |
2 500 | 6,85 € |
5 000 | 6,35 € |
10 000 | 5,95 € |
> 10 000 | Sur devis |
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The Privacy Kit is a luxury gift box that contains 3 essential products to protect the digital privacy of your employees and clients. All to be fully customised with your logo!
The specific items included in the privacy kit may vary, but common components often include a webcam cover, RFID-blocking card, USB Data Blocker and Information Brochure.
A privacy kit can benefit your business by providing comprehensive protection against digital threats such as spying, tracking, and unauthorized data collection. It helps safeguard sensitive information, protect employee privacy, and maintain confidentiality in your workplace.
At Spy-Fy, we offer personalized options for branding your privacy kit with your logo or design. Simply provide us with your logo artwork, and our team will work with you to create customized privacy-enhancing accessories that reflect your brand identity.
Nos produits
Bloqueur de données USB personnalisé
Porte Cartes Anti-RFID
Cache webcam personnalisé